New Experiences That Your Child Remembers!
Something Extra Preschool offers a safe, rich, and developmentally rewarding environment for your child. We offer infant, toddler, preschool, and prekindergarten programs to help your child grow in a caring environment.
Our child care programs are age appropriate assisting your child's development socially and preparing them for the challenges ahead.
We focus on academic development as your child blooms physically and emotionally.
We encourage learning through hands-on activities and active exploration.
Preparing For Kindergarten
Children should think of learning as fun. We work hard to achieve this through hands-on learning, active exploration, songs and finger plays. These are just a few of the tricks up our sleeves.
We balance this more academic time with plenty of time for free play. This balance helps boosts communication and encourages positive interaction among peers.
Your child learns to problem solve from an early age, giving them time to develop cognitive skills as they progress through school.
As Kindergarten fast approaches, your child learns a daily pace they will see in Kindergarten. This grows their love of learning while pushing them to new heights in education.
Working With Parents
Parents don't always have schedules that follow the typical Monday through Friday 9-5. So we offer flexible scheduling to fit your needs.
Something Extra Preschool is open Monday through Friday from 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. excluding holidays. Come in and find out how we can help your child grow while helping you with your busy schedule.
Antelope Child Care Programs Benefits
At Something Extra Preschool & Childcare we believe that knowledge is gained by active exploration - active play in areas that interest children.
We believe that children are wise, thoughtful, and reflective. They are astutely observant and sensitively aware. They are highly intuitive, resourceful and able to make cognitive leaps of insight.
Our comfortable learning environment lets your child grow individually and become a great thinker. Children are encouraged to make choices and come up with ideas, these choices and ideas are respected by other children and teachers alike.
Thriving With Active Learning!
Open Up Your Child's World For Exploration!
Call Us At (916) 348-0712 or Contact Us Today!